
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bully B.E.A.N.S. are Making a Comeback

In second grade we read Bully Beans by Julia Cook.  This is a favorite of my students because of it's strong message about standing up for yourself...and obviously getting to have jelly beans as a treat!  Julia Cook does an amazing job explaining that we all have the courage inside us.  With encouragement from others, we are able to stand up for what is right and communicate how we want to be treated.

We created upstander dice to give us choices of how to help when we see bullying occur.  Each side illustrated a different idea of how to handle yourself when someone isn't treating you kindly: ask them to stop, be an upstander, invite them to play, ignore them, give an "I Message," & tell an adult.


  1. I love the dice, is there any way I can get a copy? I have the book and this would be great.
    My email is

    1. I bought it on Teachers Pay Teachers from The Helpful Counselor Shop ( She has a TON of helpful resources that I use. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing my dice activity!
