AISD Bullying Policy

Please visit Respect for All, Austin ISD's bullying information page.

A counselor or administrator who receives a report of bullying, sexual harassment or dating violence will address the following issues with the student who was the target of the reported behaviors in a private meeting before assisting the student to complete the Complaint Form.  

Your Right to File a Complaint

The policy of Austin ISD is that all students be free from bullying and sexual harassment, including violence in students’ relationships.  All charges of bullying, sexual harassment, and dating violence are to be taken seriously by students, faculty, staff and administration members and parents.  The district will make every reasonable effort to handle and respond to every charge and complaint filed by students and employees in a fair, thorough, and just manner.  Every reasonable effort will be made to protect the due process rights of all targets and all alleged offenders.

Instructions:  Use this form to report bullying (including cyberbullying), sexual harassment and dating violence so that school officials may investigate and take appropriate steps to increase your safety.  Complete the form, providing as much detailed information as possible, so that the complaint may be properly investigated.  It is important that you report the facts as accurately and completely as possible and that you cooperate fully with the persons designated to investigate the complaint.

Where to file:  Complaint forms will be available from any counselor or administrator.  Once completed, the principal or designee will handle all complaints. 

Confidentiality:  To conduct this investigation in a confidential manner, the school will disclose the contents of your complaint only to those persons who have a need to know about your complaint.  In signing the complaint form, you authorize the school to disclose, as needed, the information you have provided, and may in the future provide, regarding your complaint.  Your complaint form will not be shown to the accused student.

Retaliation prohibited:  Retaliation against a student who files a formal complaint is strictly prohibited and is grounds for disciplinary action, including but not limited to detention, Saturday school, community service, etc.  [See the Student Code of Conduct.] 

Austin ISD Policies
FFH(Legal) – Provides statutory definitions of sexual harassment, employee-student sexual harassment and student-student sexual harassment
FFH(Local) – Expands on the legal references in FFH(Legal) and defines dating violence, bullying, cyberbullying and outlines reporting procedures and the investigation process
FFH(Regulation) – Addresses the process for campus prevention of bullying and harassment
FFH(Exhibit) - Provides the Campus-Based Stay Away Agreement form and Student Complaint form
FFI(Local) - Provides new definition of bullying and information distribution requirements

FNC(Legal) – Requires the district to adopt and implement a discipline management program that provides prevention and education concerning unwanted physical or verbal aggression, sexual harassment and other forms of bullying
FNC(Local) – Defines prohibited harassment

FDB(Legal) – Provides the authority to transfer a target of bullying

FO (Legal) – Explains the prohibition of bullying, harassment and making hit lists and ensures that employees enforce these prohibitions

FN(Local) – Defines expectation of principals to implement school-wide, classroom and individual systems to teach and support positive student behaviors and respond to and make every reasonable effort to prevent all forms of bullying, harassment and violence among students

FOF(Legal) – States that a student enrolled in the special education program cannot be disciplined for bullying, harassment or making hit lists until an ARD committee meeting has been held

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