
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome Letter

My name is Ms. Sepp and I am the school counselor at Lee Elementary!
I work with every student individually, in small groups and in their classroom. 

         For small group counseling, I send home a permission form that lets parents know what the topic is, what will be covered, and the goals of the group. Parents have the option of allowing their child to participate or declining the invitation to the small group.  Groups will meet during their lunchtime once a week for 4-6 sessions.

         For classroom-based counseling, guidance, I collaborate with teachers on units that he/she thinks the students need most. Common topics might include: self-esteem, making and keeping friends, positive school behaviors, and bullying.  This year I will focus on reinforcing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) topics that classroom teachers will be teaching on Mondays.  I am on a two-week rotation, meaning I will see every student at least twice a month.

         To receive individual counseling, a student’s parent, teacher, or principal can refer them.  Students can also request to see me by filling out a counseling request form and turning it into the mailbox outside my office. Students come to my office to talk about things that impact their learning at school, such as friendships, study skills and self-esteem. In my office, students can feel free to talk about what worries them and to ask questions. 

         As part of my effort to maintain consistent and clear lines of communication with parents, I will inform you if your child is repeatedly requesting to see me.  The goal is to meet with your child regularly at first and then slowly decrease services to an “as needed” basis or give you referral options.  My goal is to help your child be successful both academically and socially through scheduled counseling opportunities so please feel free to contact me with any background information you’d like to provide.

         If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at or (512) 841-3906. I also have a website listed below with very helpful information.  I am happy to work with you to make your child’s time at Lee successful!

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