Image from: http://www.psysr.org/about/committees/peace_education/ECED.php
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the capacity to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively and establish positive relationships with others. SEL provides direct instruction in skills that enable students to succeed in college, career and life by being responsible citizens and decision makers.
Instruction in SEL enables students to see themselves and others in a positive light, manage emotions, set and achieve goals and solve problems they encounter effectively. It supports school cultures and climates to allow students to practice life skills throughout their school experience.
AISD is part of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), which works to create a district-wide model for SEL in an urban setting, based on the tenets of self awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Lee Elementary SEL Highlights 2012-2013
Lee Elementary SEL Portfolio
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught?
***Also check out Austin ISD's Social and Emotional Learning Department blog!
Curriculum goals:
- Students will develop and demonstrate self-management skills, regulate emotions, monitor and achieve behaviors related to school and life success.
- Students will demonstrate decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and responsible behaviors in school, personal, and community contexts.
- Students will develop social-awareness skills needed to establish and maintain positive relationships including recognizing feelings and perspectives of others, appreciating individual and group differences, and contributing to the well-being of one’s school and community.
- Students will demonstrate interpersonal skills needed to establish and maintain positive relationships, including using social skills and communication skills to interact effectively with others while developing healthy relationships and demonstrating an ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts.
- Students will develop self-awareness skills, have knowledge of one’s emotions, develop an accurate and positive self-concept, and recognize individual strengths and external support systems.
Educating Hearts: A Districtwide Initiative To Teach How To Care:
Hi! I am wondering if ASID as a whole or if Lee Elementary utilizes any self-report or teacher-report assessment each year to assess SEL, or if evaluation on the district's SEL initiative is done through other data points (attendance, discipline, etc.)? Thanks! Sara
ReplyDeleteThe AISD district has yearly surveys that are completed by staff, parents, and students that collect a variety of data - some of which are directly aimed at SEL. We also track attendance and discipline data. Counselors specifically fill out a monthly survey with some questions aimed toward the SEL initiative. I do many pre & post assessments with our students to keep tabs on what is working and what needs more work. There are 3 tiers of SEL instruction that each campus qualifies based on the different requirements that have be accomplished. Each campus has an SEL steering committee that meets monthly to discuss our progress, strengths, and future goals.